Monday, October 23, 2006

New victim.

New victim!

Yup,we bought the sofa. It was a good bargain.As i mentioned in my previous post,the present sofa is so tortured.This new victim is imported from england.Muahaha.

CIP work.

My class went to the Geylang centre to visit the old folks.I have to admit it was better than what i have expected.We walked there as it was a stone throw away from our school.By the way, mrs neo is pregnant with a baby boy! On the way there, we told her to walk slower. For the record, she walked the fastest compared to the other 37 lively US.Upon our arrival, we were greeted by a lady who seemed over-tensed.She briefed us and was soon taken over by a radiant woman. She had a loud,clear voice.I enjoyed her talk and only hers.In the middle of her talk, she asked for a volunteer to read out the pleas from the patient. The DO's and the DONT's.Unluckily i was chosen.I was so shocked la. I got up to my feet and paced reluctantly towards her. Everybody started clapping. I read the first page and there were sentences like ' love me and treat me well '.While reading, i was thinking ' shit! love me?why?!'. At first, after reading 6 sentences i thought it was over. I was reliefed. Everybody started clapping agian and some laughed.When i was about to return to my seat, she turned to the next page and said that there's somemore. At the point, i was like 'huh!? still got?Why so many pleas?' I continued reading.Later, we headed out to accompany the old folks. The old folk my group was assigned to was a cheerful person. She had really brightened up my day with her smiles although it should be vice-versa. Anyways, she was very easy to get along with. The group beside us was'nt so lucky. The old folk they were assigned with was having therapy. She was screaming away. It was a dreadful sight. Suprisingly, that group started singing songs to her and guess what,the first song they sang was 'twinkle star'.Luckily, they became smarter and stopped singing this nursery rhyme. My group was later assigned to another old man doing excersice.The old man talked and talked about this harsh society and about how we will not achieve success without a degree. In the end, he rewarded us with a sweet. So sweet of him! We did not manage to play the game we made for them but we played with them other games like throwing of beanbags and kicking of ball.It was fun. After which, we reluctantly went back to school bringing with us beautiful memories.

her tears frozed at 6.39p.m.

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