Friday, June 27, 2008

Lord, you catch me when i'm falling

''Dear girl, whatever will be will be will be.''. Papa said.

Dearest Diary:
First week of school is over, Booyeah. I feel a lil' tiny sense of accomplishment in me. ! *grins Completing homeworks and trying and trying. I hope i never cease to stop. Teacher's compliments, scoldings=wholepackage. Devoured a book it in a single gulp, read through the day.There came a part:

"'And what if it does'nt work out in the end?What if you try and end up falling?Why do it, then? '' ''Because we have to try,''
Ah, the reply sucks, but ya. You get what i mean.

This year, I suddenly love reading. Hoho. They bring me far far away,
I guess life is all about grasping the beat. Study, play & breathe life baby. Playing every moment to its fullest. Probably

I have been a veryvery happy girl this week! With the laughs, talks,incidences and games provoked .You people are the best damn things. Everything really seems to be falling into place. And i realized, : you know when you are really tired when you can yawn while bathing. Hehe. Fuck much?
Thogh the hapiness, i have to admit,Things are different. A whole lot? Sometimes i've been fighting hard yet sometimes when i stop to catch a breath, i start asking myself. WHY. Why do all these. And then, i start becoming ''intimidated; lol, kylie-.- And then, ya. Thinking brings me to ass places. ^^. Just that, yesterday. Suddenly i felt like i hold the weight of the world. Ah wong. Heh. Ku xiao bu de. Thanks............ You know you have been busy!._. You know it sucks. You know. you knowwwwwww.

Today was yet another fun day. Somethig diffrent. Unawared Changes are good. Ate noodles with Shija,Adrain and alll. They really make me laugh alot. And i like it! hehe. Its really nice to have guys around , you will.. feel protected, much. And taken well cared of. To the 6 of you. Thanks for being so honest-.-, shouting to me giving me my munchy doughnuts! ahahhaa. Funny.Telling me i should not walk at the alley and Jay offering to guard me with banana leaves.! Laughing your asses off when i told you'll i got spondge bob boxers from a long time ago, . Great time. ! .
What else.Sigh.
Today in class we had to do an experiment on science reflction. Each of us received a mirror.
ELGIN: I KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! I know the first thing sure kristal look at herself in the mirror one-.-
Lol. Good lah. Say so loud somemore. Heheeee.

And sometimes I can't mention how I really feel inside because I tend to forget stuff the moment I start typing. Like I hv so many things to say, and so many different people to talk to, but then again I feel like if I were to tell that someone how I really feel, things might change because life isn't that simple and if I say something I meant but it sounds all wrong, everything might change between us. Because life goes on but feelings dont. Wait I'm not making sense. At all. )

I shall just stop here!
Haha. Bebe, Fafa,Tiatia,ShanShan,Heahea,Jingjing, and i cannot rmbrr aahh. Dig it.


You will never see me,
till you are part of my life.

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